What’s involved in a Bathroom Renovation and  What Will it Cost?

What’s involved in a Bathroom Renovation and What Will it Cost?

A modern, clean and refreshing bathroom is super important to the overall feel of your home.  But we’re going to be upfront and tell you that bathroom renovations don’t come cheap (if done properly).

The reality is that the bathroom is a high-traffic area, so if it’s worth updating, it’s worth doing it properly.  And while it’s not hard to get prices on individual fixtures and fittings, the labour involved in your renovation isn’t always quite so easy to calculate.  

We’ve looked at a few different sources, and as a ball-park figure, you’re looking at upwards of $20,000 for a total bathroom renovation.  As we said, this is a ball-park figure – the size of the room, the quality of fixtures you choose and the level of finish will all impact this figure.

Reasons to Renovate

The bathroom has to be one of the most important spaces in the home.  Firstly, it’s somewhere that we’re all forced to spend a certain amount of time each day (like it or not!).  Secondly, it’s the place where we relax, unwind and wash of the stress of the day.  And thirdly, a smart bathroom renovation can add genuine value to your home and vastly improve its aesthetic appeal.

Bathroom renovations aren’t all about the dollars involved.  They’re about increasing the comfort and functionality of your home and providing yourself and your family with a space that’s practical and refreshing.

Having a clear vision and goal is critical for the success of your renovation, so take time to think about exactly what you want to achieve.  If you’re renovating to resell, think about the needs and taste of your prospective buyer.

What’s involved in a Renovation?

How long is a piece of string?  The size of the job depends entirely on how extensive your renovation is: if you’re totally gutting the entire bathroom and starting from scratch, you’ll be up for a lot more work and cost than if you’re simply replacing the hardware, giving the walls and ceilings a fresh coat of paint or adding in some extra cabinetry!

Your renovation could include:

  • Structural changes
  • Plastering
  • Plumbing works
  • Electrical works
  • Tiling
  • Cabinetry
  • Painting

If you’re undertaking structural works, you’ll need to employ a registered builder.  Even if you’re a skilled DIYer, we recommend using a qualified tradesperson to undertake the serious stuff.

Establish your Budget

As the old saying goes, ‘forewarned is forearmed’: it’s super important to establish your budget before you start your project.  

If you’re using a builder, get quotes from at least two companies and compare them – read the fine print thoroughly and make sure you’re comparing apples with apples.

If you’re keen on doing some of the hard yards yourself, decide which parts of the renovation you can tackle yourself, and which parts will need to be done by tradespeople. 

Get your prices together and do your sums.  Add in a contingency amount for unexpected issues – renovating an existing home is a different ballgame to building from scratch, and it’s always best to expect the unexpected! 

Add Extra Value

Regardless of its size, a well-planned bathroom is a real asset in any home.  And whether you’re thinking of selling your home in the near future or not, it’s always important to make sure your renovations add to the re-sale value of your home.

Here are a few little things that will go a long way towards upping the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your renovation:

  • Storage: there are loads of ideas out there for smart bathroom storage.  Think shelves, mirror cabinets, baskets, under-sink cupboard… make the most of any opportunity without crowding the space.
  • Natural light: there’s nothing to compare with a light, bright and airy bathroom, so make the most of any natural light available.  This might mean installing a larger window, or adding in a skylight or ceiling window if yours is an internal bathroom.  
  • Artificial light: multiple layers of lighting are a must – install sufficient artificial light to ensure that your bathroom is well-lit at all times.  Feature lighting is a great way to add that extra touch of luxe and create a relaxing atmosphere.
  • Quality hardware: your bathroom gets a workout, so spending the extra few dollars to purchase quality tapware and fittings might end up saving you a packet in ongoing maintenance and repairs. 
  • Ventilation: without adequate ventilation, bathrooms can quickly become a haven for mildew.  Installing adequate ventilation is super important.  Other features such as heated towel rails can help to ensure that your bathroom stays as dry as possible.

And for the finishing touches?

Connect with Nature

If there’s one place we like to unwind, refresh and reset, it’s the bathroom.  And for many of us, connecting with nature, is the perfect way to do that.  That’s why bringing nature into the bathroom in the form of textures and decor has become so popular!

Terracotta, wood, rattan, stone, seagrass… there are oh-so-many textures that can be incorporated to create that sense of harmony and tranquillity that only nature itself can give!  

Decorating with potted plants is also hugely popular, and thankfully (for those of us who are not naturally green-fingered) there are plenty of varieties that thrive indoors, and even in low-light areas!

The decision to renovate your bathroom is no small one, but if you do it right, it’ll be one of the most rewarding projects you have ever undertaken!  

Plan, budget and think carefully about the best way to achieve that perfect balance of form and function in your new bathroom!  And if you need any more helpful hints, the team at Love & Co are here to offer advice about what adds real value to your home.