Robot Vacuums - Are They Worth the Hype?

Robot Vacuums – Are They Worth the Hype?

Keeping the house clean is important for the general look of your home, for maintaining hygiene, and for protecting your surfaces. But it’s a big job, and as we all get increasingly time-poor, technological helpers start to look even more appealing.

Robot vacuums have been around for a while now, which means they are becoming better at their job and more affordable for basic options. We’re still quite far from robotic helpers like Rosie from The Jetsons, but we can invest in a robot option that will help keep our home clean and fresh.

Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of robotic vacuum cleaners, and whether you should invest in one.

Pros of Robot Vacuum Cleaners

Some things really do make you feel a bit futuristic, and sipping a coffee while a robot does your vacuuming is certainly one of those things. Here are some reasons that a robot vacuum can be a great choice to help you keep your home neat and tidy.

Scheduled Cleaning.

What we’re all trying to avoid is lugging a big vacuum out and cleaning all our floors – and then doing the same thing over again just a few short days later (or hours, depending on your lifestyle). The biggest appeal of a robot vacuum is that it generally handles itself beautifully.

Scheduled cleaning means you can set it to work while you’re out. Many models offer smart connectivity options – you can remotely control their functions from your phone. Once your robot vacuum is full or running low on battery, it will send itself straight back to charge and wait for you. It’s a great set and forget option – although you will have to clean it out and rescue it from time to time.

Thorough cleaning.

Sure, your robot vacuum will take much longer to do the job than you will. However, it has nothing better to do, so all its time is spent cleaning or on the charger, waiting for the next clean. The sheer persistence, as well as its ability to get under couches and beds, means your floors will be looking better than ever. Most robot vacuums handle all hard surfaces equally well, although if you have a lot of carpet you won’t be able to rely on your little robot helper for a deep clean.

Spot cleaning.

Along with the regularly scheduled cleans, you can call in reinforcements if there is a sudden messy situation. In the event of spills or a particularly dirty section of floor, your robot vacuum can be tasked to help you sort out the problem.

Mobility assistance.

Not everyone has the ability to pull big vacuum cleaners out and use them to clean the house. A robot vacuum can be a great asset for people with mobility issues, providing a daily vacuum that helps them stay on top of keeping floors clean without it turning into a major task.

Compact size.

Finding storage space for a vacuum cleaner can be tricky, especially if you have to use it on a frequent basis. Once you have it out, it’s unlikely to easily fit in hard-to-reach spaces like under beds and couches.

A robot vacuum will need a small docking station, and – that’s pretty much it! Easily fitting under those hard-to-reach areas and then neatly tucking itself away into its docking station, you won’t need to think hard about the right place to store it.

Cons of Robot Vacuum Cleaners

While it’s great to have a bit of extra help, there are some factors that can take away from the ideal picture of a robot taking care of your floors. Here are some factors that you need to consider before you invest.


Robot vacuum cleaners aren’t cheap and unsurprisingly, the ones on the lower end of the price range aren’t likely to offer as many features and as good a product. You’re realistically going to need a traditional vacuum cleaner as well, so it can get pricey to purchase both.

Not an all-terrain vehicle.

If you have lots of stairs or different levels in your homes, things could get a little annoying. Your robot vacuum cleaner won’t be able to negotiate these changes in levels, and you’ll have to either lift them up, purchase multiple units, or use a traditional vacuum cleaner in other areas.

You’re also likely to have to come to the rescue on occasion. Robot vacuums can get stuck, can run out of battery before making it to their charging dock, and can get caught on cords and other items around the house.

Clean floors.

Before your robot vacuum can help you clean your floors, you’ll need to – well, clean your floors. Small toys, socks, and other items can get stuck in your robot vacuum, so you’ll have to tidy before you put it to work. You’ll need to be especially careful if you have pets who aren’t perfectly toilet trained. There are some horror pictures of robot vacuums who have run over pet waste and made a truly terrible mess.

Frequent emptying

Due to its compact size, you’ll have to be pretty dedicated to emptying your new helper. Small dustbins mean frequent emptying which can be frustrating, and take away from the “set and forget” ideal of having a robotic device handle your vacuuming.

So, should you invest?

Whether or not you invest in a robotic vacuum is obviously up to your personal situation and preferences. If vacuuming isn’t a big deal or you own a home with lots of stairs and levels, it might not be worth the price you pay.

For the extra help (especially while you’re out), a robot vacuum is a great investment. Realistically, it’s probably not going to completely replace a regular vacuum cleaner for most people. Your carpets in particular need strong suction to really remove that ground-in dust and dirt that current robot models can’t provide.

If you’re looking for sparkling clean floors with no involvement from you, you might want to wait until futuristic robot maids become a reality. But for some extra help with a monotonous household task, a robot vacuum can help you keep your floors clean and your home feeling that much tidier and more welcoming.