
Niki Castro

Niki Castro has worked across all aspects of real estate and has a unique understanding of what sellers, buyers, investors and renters really need from a real estate agency and the people who work there.

As a partner at Love&Co, her versatility across sales and property management,  coupled with her local knowledge mean she is an invaluable part of the team, as well as a mentor, and a leader within the business.

An investment property owner herself, Niki knows what makes a good investment – and what keeps it a good investment – no matter what the market is doing. Her advice and guidance for rental property owners are second to none.

With an outstanding reputation in the industry, Niki’s belief in people-first service means she forms strong relationships with her clients and exemplifies the values of Love & Co.

Niki Castro

Niki's Properties

Niki's Happy Clients

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