
John Gioftsidis

A career agent with a genuine passion for property and helping people succeed, John is fully committed to providing an incredible experience for his clients.

With vast experience across different real estate climates, John prides himself on his ability to operate in difficult circumstances and negotiate to achieve the best possible result.

Also an auctioneer, John prides himself on his ability to handle the entire sales and marketing process from end-to-end to ensure that a seamless service is provided. Anyone who has seen John in action will know that he is an outstanding performer in from of a crowd.

Commanding the attention of his audience, entertaining them with his witty sense of humour, John draws on his incredible knowledge of real estate in an open, forthright manner to deliver best results every time.

A Director at the Mill Park office with a Business Degree (Marketing Major) from La Trobe University, John offers the ideal balance of theoretical knowledge and practical experience to ensure that your home or investment property is presented to the market in the best possible fashion.

Results-driven as he is people-focussed, John’s clients know that when they employ his services they are receiving his absolute commitment, the finest

attention to detail, the highest level of professionalism, and the most outstanding service at all times.

John Gioftsidis

John's Properties

John's Happy Clients

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