How You Can Help Prevent Global Warming

How You Can Help Prevent Global Warming

Did you know Australian households are responsible for one-fifth of the country’s greenhouse gasses? Crazy isn’t it?

But the good news is that you can help change this for the better! More and more people are finally becoming concerned about global warming and sustainability.

You may not be a member of parliament or an influential voice in the sphere environmentalism, but you can actually contribute towards a greener, cleaner future. Believe it or not, your decisions count and your actions can make a difference.


It’s a Global Dilemma

Clean; green; sustainable: it’s the catch-cry of our time.  Sustainability is a global movement that is being recognized at every level of society, on both domestic and commercial fronts.

Yes, global warming has certainly become a hot topic (excuse the pun)!  Governments debate it.  Extremists voice their views about it through popular media channels.  And scientists continue to remind us that time is not our friend – big changes need to be made, and they need to be made now.

‘But how can I help?’ We hear you ask…


Small Changes can have Big Results

Sometimes the biggest changes are brought about by individuals changing small habits.  It’s about weighing up the consequences of our actions; thinking about the long-term impacts of our choices.

At Love & Co we care about the environment and we believe it’s the responsibility of every homeowner to do everything they can to protect their patch of green.

That’s why we’ve put together this list of #5 Simple Changes you can make to Help Prevent Global Warming.


  1. Install Solar Panels

Installing solar panels is one of the best ways to reduce both your carbon emissions and your electricity bill.

Yes, it requires some initial outlay, but the benefits of solar panels quickly outweigh the disadvantages: using this renewable energy source rather than natural gas for heating, cooling and cooking is an excellent way to invest in a sustainable future, as well as saving you a pretty penny long-term.

The government and some councils often offer schemes and rebates to help homeowners get on board, so be sure to do your homework so you can make the most of these offers.

For instance, Darebin Council’s Solar Saver program has helped over 1,800 households and businesses access solar. It has also reached a production capacity of 8.2MW and is helping save up to 12,000 tons of Greenhouse gas emissions each year. This is the equivalent of removing over 3,600 cars of the roads each year! They currently offer two ways to participate in the program:

  • Solar Saver Bulk Buy Program – where you pay the upfront costs
  • Solar Saver Rates Program – where Darebin City Council pays the upfront costs and you pay it back over 10 years

Learn more and check validity/eligibility here.


  1. Opt for Energy Efficient Appliances

Modern lifestyles require a lot of different appliances.  Buyers generally have a few options when it comes time to purchase a new appliance, so be sure to opt for an energy efficient one.

When choosing an appliance, don’t be tempted to make price your deciding factor: think about the long-term savings of an energy efficient model, as well as your goals to reduce your household’s carbon footprint.

Replacing your incandescent and halogen light bulbs with LED ones is another way to reduce emissions and save yourself some cash – LED lights use approximately 75% less energy than halogen globes, and in addition to this, they generally last a lot longer too!


  1. Make the Most of Nature’s Gift: Light

Is the interior of your home too dark?  Thinking about installing some more lights?

Why not make the most of Mother Nature’s gift: sunlight!  Consider installing an extra window or replacing a solid door with one that has glass panels.  Allowing your home to be flooded with natural light will reduce the amount of time you need to run your electric lighting, and this in turn will reduce your home’s emissions.


  1. Think Twice about Transport

Transport is a major contributor towards global emissions, so why not get creative about how we get from A to B?

Carpooling, taking public transport, walking, riding your bike… these are all methods of reducing the amount of carbon dioxide created per capita each day.  And your decisions count because it’s estimated that the average petrol car produces the equivalent of 180g of carbon dioxide per kilometre!

It’s no doubt that here in the North we love our bikes and many of our roads have been adapted to allow for cyclists so take advantage, especially as the warmer months are approaching.


  1. Recycle! Recycle! Recycle!

We get it: this sounds like a broken record, but we’re going to stress once again that recycling is super important!

Choosing products with minimum packaging is step #1, but recycling everything you can is essential.  Paper, plastic, cardboard, glass… fill up your recycling bin rather than cramming it all into your household garbage trash.

Recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions by cutting down on energy consumption.  Repurposing recyclable materials also reduces the need for virgin materials, which in turn protects our environment and non-renewable resources.


Your decision to invest in the future is one you won’t regret.  Although you may feel that your part is small, you can be confident that you are part of a bigger movement that has the ability to have long-lasting, positive effects.

One thing we can be certain of is that the effects of our choices, either positive or negative, will be felt by our children and grandchildren, so let’s work together for a brighter future.



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