Feng Shui Good Vibes

Feng Shui Good Vibes

If you’re scratching your head wondering what feng shui is (or if it’s the real deal), you’re probably not alone.

The literal translation of ‘feng shui’ is ‘the way of wind and water’.  And in Chinese culture, these elements are associated with well-being and good health. But let’s have a look at its technical definition:

“Feng shui, also known as Chinese geomancy, is a pseudoscientific traditional practice originating from ancient China, which claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment.” Wikipedia

Nowadays, feng shui is the art and science of creating a strong connection between us and our surroundings, which stimulates mood and brings good fortune.  It’s about arranging items and spaces in a way that engenders peace and prosperity and creating a flow of positive energy through your home.

Whether you’re a believer in this type of holistic life or not, a lot of it is common sense and simple. And by adopting a few of these basic concepts, you can enjoy the benefits of a calmer space and a clearer mind.

So, let’s take a look at our top #5 ways to bring feng shui into your home this season:

  1. Lighting

Light is one of the greatest sources of positive energy, so throw open the curtains, roll up the blinds and let natural light flood your home!

Dark spaces can be illuminated with lamps, skylights, or roof-windows.  Large wall mirrors are another great way to maximize light in poorly lit spaces.

When night falls, candles are the perfect feng shui lighting – they provide that soft, healing glow that is immensely soothing to both mind and body.

  1. De-clutter

Clutter is exhausting, both physically and mentally – having to push your way around excess ‘stuff’ in your home is a sure-fire way to drain your energy and leave you feeling frustrated and tired.  And in feng shui, a cluttered home = a cluttered mind.

Don’t go to extremes and leave the space empty but get rid of anything you don’t need and organize what’s left.  Don’t forget those hidden spaces – drawers, cupboards, under the beds, in the ceiling space… de-cluttering doesn’t mean hiding the mess!

  1. Balance of Nature

These five elements are key to good feng shui:

  • Wood
  • Water
  • Metal
  • Fire
  • Earth

Make sure you incorporate something of each of these elements into each space in your home, for example, a wooden table with a candle, a stone ornament and potted plant.

Of course, you might be wondering to do that in every room, so think about original ways to introduce these elements in the form of colour and art.  Get creative.  Think outside the box.  And most of all, choose items and shades that make you happy.

  1. Blur the Boundaries

Decorating with plants is another great way to blur the boundaries between the big outdoors and our busy urban lives – by bringing a slice of nature inside, you can also enjoy the benefits of cleaner air and organic beauty.

And who doesn’t love fresh flowers?  They simply make us feel good, and studies show that flowers promote happiness and joy and can even aid in the process of physical healing.

Research shows that indoor plants can have a calming effect on mood, help relieve anxiety, and promote feelings of positivity, which all work together to create the harmony and peace that’s so important to feng shui.

Rattan, bamboo, wood, and wicker are all natural plant products, so consider incorporating these elements in your décor too.

  1. Concentrate on the Three Focus Points

There are 3 really important feng shui areas on your home: the kitchen, the bedroom, and the bathroom.  These areas are all crucial to well-being, so it’s worth concentrating your efforts on these zones.

Kitchen: keep your benches clean and tidy and your storage areas organized.  Flood the area with natural light and incorporate task lighting as well as general lighting.  Decorate with fresh fruit or vegetables, and/or flowers or a potted plant.

Your kitchen doesn’t have to big to be bright and welcoming – small, thoughtfully decorated spaces can be just as calming as large, open ones.

Bedroom: a calming, inviting space is important for a good night’s sleep.  Think about function as well as form.  Position the bed where it’s easy to access from both sides but, if possible, not directly in line with the door – in feng shui, doors are connectors and will draw the energy out of the room.

Again, lighting is important – think decorative lighting, lamps, and candles as well as natural light.

Bathroom: this is the place where we take time out to unwind, relax, and wash off the day’s stresses, so incorporating feng shui in this area is essential.

Potted plants, organic materials, candles, essential oils, art… find creative and innovative ways to connect with nature and create that sense of peace and calm.


So there you go! Achieving positivity, prosperity, and well-being right inside your own home is not as hard as it sounds.  In fact, by introducing a few basic principles of feng shui into your home, you can elevate your mood and enjoy a heap more positive energy in your life.

The concept of feng shui has been widely embraced by western cultures and many Melbournians are proving the benefits of creating calm and inviting spaces within their own four walls.  After all, home is where the heart is, so why not make yours a happy one?!