Creative Christmas Decorations

Creative Christmas Decorations

With each Christmas that rolls around, do you wonder how to freshen up your festive decorations? Tired of the same old tinsel, coloured baubles, candy canes and gold stars?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking for some new decorating inspiration.  And if our guess is correct, you’re looking for ideas that are elegant, chic and original.  And no, we haven’t forgotten that you don’t want to spend a fortune.

Hey, we’re not knocking the classic Christmas schemes: traditions run deep, and those timeless, conventional decorating ideas are always beautiful.  But there’s nothing like stretching your wings and spicing things up with a bit of your own style.  After all, who says your stockings have to be red and white?  Or that they have to be hung by a fireplace?

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to create your own style of holiday decorations.  And they don’t have to take up half of the house either (small space dwellers, we haven’t forgotten about you!).

Whether it’s table toppers, tree alternatives or trendy gift-wrapping ideas you’re after, we’ve spent some time putting together a few different ideas to get your creative juices flowing and planning for the year ahead.


Unique Trees

We’ve got to admit, that it’s not Christmas without a tree.  But that doesn’t mean yours has to be a traditional green christmas tree.  So, why not go a bit left-wing and create a tree that your family and guests will love (and one they won’t forget either!)?

Just look at this full-sized DIY kraft paper Christmas tree from Lia Griffith that uses a humble everyday material to create a festive and original focal point and conversation starter that makes as big an impact in the room as a traditional tree.

Or are tight for space? Your tree doesn’t have to be 3-dimensional. Think about a chic wall print that represents a tree!

Your tree could be stack of books carefully arranged from largest to smallest, or a tiered Christmas cake.  Be creative.  Stretch the boundaries.  And most importantly let go of what a tree “should be” and enjoy!



Aussie Christmas Table

Christmas is the perfect opportunity to celebrate who we are and what we love, so for True-Blue Aussies, it’s about celebrating our Great Southern Land (we’re not just suggesting that you top your tree with a koala in a Santa hat, but if that floats your boat, by all means go ahead!).

Snowflakes, roasted chestnuts and mugs of mulled wine certainly aren’t the norm for Christmas Down Under.  For us, an Australian Christmas is about enjoying the warmer weather and making the most of our seasonal produce.

Be sure to include some classic Aussie flora into your table decorations.  Gum leaves not only look great, but they will fill your home with a deliciously fresh, summery fragrance.

Christmas at the beach… how much more Australian does it get?  If this is you, why not bring those coastal vibes right into your home this festive season?  Swap out the traditional red and greens for blue, gold and white.  Think organic fabrics, wooden serving platters, linen and dried flower decorations.



Gorgeous Gift-wrapping

Brown paper is a beautiful and timeless alternative to the traditional Christmas-themed gift wrap. And while you’re at it, swap out the red ribbons for a simple twine bow. Or for a more sustainable option: add to the gift by wrapping it in a tea towel!

Try your hand at painting your own gift wrap – a trip to your local arts and crafts store and a few dollars spent on paper, watercolour paints and a brush… you might surprise yourself with what you can turn out!

Why not make your own gift tags?  Air-drying clay is easy to come by and can be rolled out, shaped and painted.  Write your message with a fine permanent marker and hey presto!  Your friends will have a precious keepsake from 2022 to cherish forever!



Stockings? Or not?

Now, as for those Christmas stockings…

Firstly, a good proportion of us don’t have a fireplace to hang them by.  Secondly, some of us are a bit tired of the stocking tradition anyway.

Why not mix it up a bit and get creative with your stockings this year?  Painted gumboots, burlap sacks, cowboy hats or even Ugg Boots?






However you decide to decorate this season, we’re taking this opportunity to send you our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  Stay safe. Stay well. And enjoy each special moment with your family and friends.

From the team at Love & Co, thanks for your support throughout the year.  We love the North and we’re committed to serving our community’s needs in 2023.