
The “Wow” Factor When Home Styling – With Melbourne Estate Styling Group

Through property styling, any property can be transformed into an inviting, beautiful space; setting you apart from your competition, enhancing existing features and increasing value.

Working with properties of all shapes, periods and sizes, Melbourne Estate Styling Group are dedicated to creating a warm and inviting home that invokes an immediate emotional response as soon as the buyer walks through the door. Their goal is to make the buyers see themselves in your home and creating the desire to buy.

Everyone has experienced that amazing ‘wow’ feeling you get when you enter a beautiful room and we spoke with Director Melissa Kochovski about how this emotion is completely achievable for your property.

Talk us through the process – how you determine the perfect style for a home?

We take so many things in to consideration when putting together the style concept for a home. Things like location and who your buyers are play a big role and the in the way we present a property. We style to cater to particular market of the property. The era/heritage of the property is also a big factor to ensure that it is in keep with its natural beauty.

Where do you go for inspiration?

Everywhere and anywhere. Like everyone the natural go to would definitely have to be Instagram and Pinterest, we always come across new pages and great designs however we do find inspiration everywhere…on holidays or shopping if we see something we really like. For us it can sometimes be the smallest of things, but if you’re seeking inspiration Instagram is fantastic.

Keep it safe or make a statement?

If you can, we always say go for it… so we’re definitely for making a statement. Some people associate making a statement with something that’s either big or colourful and in your face but that isn’t always the case. You can also make a huge impact with simple colours and clever designs, sometimes they make the biggest impressions.

Are you a minimalist or maximalist?

It would depend on the property – most of the time, less is more but would have to say we’re a happy medium… minimalist with a bit extra. When selling a space, you don’t want to overcrowd and fill up the area making it too busy for the buyers to properly see the property and start imagining it as theirs. It’s best to be clutter-free and minimal, however you still want to create some emotion so don’t want to strip it back too much – hence the happy medium ?

What common styling mistakes do you commonly see sellers make?

Not decluttering and putting all their personal items away. Properties should be prepared to be shown in the best possible way. It’s definitely not easy to do but it does make a big difference. Usually, buyers will walk through multiple properties so you want yours to stand out against the competition. Too much clutter can be distracting for buyers.

What are your tips on creating space in smaller homes/rooms?

Choose light and bright furniture and colours. Also, when selecting your furniture go for items that have legs that raise the furniture from the ground, this creates the feeling of having more space.

What little things can homeowners do that have a big impact?

Paint. Giving your property a coat of paint makes it feel fresh, new and low maintenance, it’s like liquid gold.

We also love to use big artwork or a group of pieces to make a big impact, it’s a great way to inject colour and personality into the space.

Key/statement furniture pieces – do you believe they are they worth the investment?

They definitely are and you particularly don’t want to skimp on your sofa. 2020 has well and truly been the year of the sofa in Melbourne with everyone being at home for most of the year, I think most people have given theirs a good work out. Most households would spend majority of their time on their sofa compared to other furniture items so this is where you would want to make sure you invest in something that is not only going to suit the space but is going to be comfortable, long lasting and suit your needs.

What current trends you are seeing and liking/disliking?

Love that colour is coming back in. White on white still works well in some properties but colour brings in fun, emotion and personality. Really liking warmer and earthier tones on the wall as they create a sense of calmness and can still work well with all colour palettes. 

Why should sellers invest in a professional stylist?

Studies show that not only do properties sell faster when they have been professionally styled, but they usually sell for more than properties that haven’t been styled. The properties are styled to appeal to the broader market and get as many potential buyers interested in the property. We make lasting first impressions and know how to create an emotional connection to help potential buyers visualise themselves in the space. It is a great return on your investment!

Special thanks to Melissa for her time!

Image courtesy of MESG – a beautiful example of their work.
To view Melbourne Estate Styling Group‘s latest work be sure to follow them on Instagram – @melbourneestatestylinggroup.